Any wireless device broadcasts signals to the nearby devices in the range. A device coming in the range of this signal can be triggered to perform certain actions through an iBeacon App.

Understanding the iBeacon

iBeacon is basically an Apple’s implementation of Bluetooth

Low Energy (BLE) wireless technology. It creates a different way to provide the location based information and services to the iPhone and other compatible devices.

iBeacon was introduced in iOS7 with iPhone 4S and later versions. It is also found in iPad, iPad mini, and iPod touch. Interestingly the technology of iBeacons is also compatible with the Android 4.3 and above versions. That means the iBeacons work seamlessly on the Android as well as iOS devices.

Velocity and iBeacon development

We at Velocity combine the latest development tools, the skill set of our iBeacon developers, and our knowledge base to deliver the world class iBeacon applications. As an iBeacon App development company, we in-house a well experienced and skilled team of developers, designers, architects, and testers who work together to deliver the best-in-class solutions.

You can trust us for:

  • Professionally skilled development of iBeacon applications
  • Application of best practices to deliver an error free app
  • Extensive testing to remove every last existing bug
  • On time service delivery within your budget
  • Flexible and scalable solutions to meet your individual and business needs
  • Best-in-class support and after sales maintenance
  • 100% confidentiality for your data and information

How can iBeacon development help you?

  • Our services will eventually help you provide the best location based experience and services to your customers.
  • It will help you track a device or person while looking for a location or coming in the proximity of your range
  • It will help you provide value added experience to your customers and improve their user experience with your product or service
  • It will help you provide flexible payment options through NFC and other proximity based solutions
  • It will help you provide an incredible customer experience through location based triggers
  • It will help you improve your internal business processing through proximity based documents transfer such as checklists and stock monitoring.

We always make sure that not only can our iBeacon app development services make a valuable addition to your business model, but also deliver the best proximity-based and extremely targeted content to your prospect for meeting even your complex business requirements.

Irrespective of the complexity of your requirements, we have a highly skilled team of designers and developers to convert your business ideas into something useful.

Our Proposition for you

  • Customer-Centric development
  • Engagement Model with client’s involvement
  • Commitment to Quality assurance
  • Broad Technical Expertise in related domains