Online Reputation Management or (ORM) is all about safeguarding a brand’s or company’s reputation on the Internet. In a wider sense , it relates to search engine optimization techniques and social media marketing. Utilizing these techniques, the service providers help to protect your name on the web search engine results. The primary aim of ORM is to encourage positive content on the net rather than negative reviews.

An effective and well planned SEO campaign works to create a positive reputation amongst your customers. SEO strategies are a part of online reputation management technique wherein ORM SEO is the effort made to neutralize your negative show up on the internet.


Why Online Reputation Management is Important?

One of the concerning issues before marketing your brand would be- “How does your company appears in search engine results?” Imagine, if someone used Google to look up at your company name, and right after it there were various keywords with negative comments to say? For sure, its going to ruin your brand name. In this scenario, ORM works to maintain positive results about your brand name by generating positive content.

Product reviews posted by customers have become very important now-a-days. Suppose, if a user has posted something very negative about your service, then you require ORM services. So, Velocity is here to protect your brand from getting destroyed.


How Velocity works to provide Online Reputation Management Services

Our services include-

    • Creation of new content
    • Utilization of Social Media Platform
    • Active participation via social blogs and forums
    • Responding to negative customer reviews via different platforms
    • Promotion of positive content

If your business is suffering from online reputation issues, then Velocity is here to help you out. Our consultants design custom strategies for dealing with your competitors. For enhanced brand management, we have designed an upgraded version to help you know about the current trends to build your brand.

For monitoring, we have a track recording system that keeps a check on your facebook post, tweet or any other web page. Our focus is to take an immediate action to manage your brand repo online.

Stay connected with Velocity to know how our online reputation management services can help you to have a control on your business image online.

Why Choose Us?

  • We utilize the best reputation management tools available to work for you.
  • We provide specialized content writing services to promote your brand
  • Velocity has got the capability to manage your search results