As the world of technology is evolving like anything, each day we come across a new news about the latest development in Artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies. IoT is one such application of the AI which has revolutionized the way of interaction between human and human, and human and machines.

Internet of Things or simply IoT is a spider web network of physical devices connected and communicating with each other through wired and wireless mediums. The physical object can be anything from mobile, car, lamps, bulbs, fan, Fridge, wearable devices, and even the human.

The main aim of IoT development is to develop the solutions that will stimulate a seamless communication between the devices connected with each other. Mainly the devices are connected to each other through a tech medium like Wi-fi, Bluetooth, iBeacon, NFC, or the web.

Generally, mobile phone acts as a bridge where an AI is installed that facilitates and manages this whole communication process. Nowadays, more IoT devices have also been launched to do the same task as of the mobile phones. Google Home and Amazon Echo are the perfect examples of the same.

Best IoT Examples

These examples will help you understand how Velocity as a top IoT development company will help you leverage this tech for your business and individual needs.

The Connected Health: Telemedicine is the best example of how IoT has been applied in the health sector. The seamless remote access to patient data is yet another application that makes the concept of connected health facilities real.

Smart physical and e-retailing: A lot of retail outlets are going smart by adopting the smart inventory management, billing, and other methods. The OR code scanning that alone manages the inventory and billing simultaneously is a perfect application of IoT devices like QR code scanner, Inventory management software etc.

Wearable: Wearables are the most common and popular IoT devices that present a perfect example of how even the human movements and their records can be captured by one device and shown on the other. Confused? You should be. Have you ever wondered how your fitness band tracker tracks your heart beat and reports are shown on your smart phone? It’s because of the wearables and IoT specific apps that drive them.

Services offered in IoT development

  • IoT App development
  • IoT Solutions
  • IoT Module development
  • IoT Testing

At Velocity, we inculcate innovative thinking into every technology we work on. With home automation being the most sought application of the IoTs after consumer technology, our technical architects can design the IoT applications that would help you sit back and control the functionality of your home appliances through mobile or your IoT controller devices like Google Home and Amazon Echo.

  • We can design the applications that can help you:
  • Control AC settings in your house
  • Get mobile notifications on the grocery inventory
  • Automate and connect the security locking system of your house
  • Automate the Switch on and switch off of lights in your house etc.

Industries we have worked for

  • Retail
  • E-Commerce
  • Manufacturing
  • Travel
  • Transport
  • Logistic
  • Health-care

Why Velocity for IoT Development?

  • We have best in class IoT development team that includes Android developers, iOS developers, E-Commerce developers, Designers, testers and much more.
  • We can transform your ideas into feasible realities in the form of the applications.
  • We are continuously investing in research and development for many more opportunities in IoT and wearable development.
  • Our customer centric work-flow will please you as we believe in keeping the client involved in every step.
  • We believe that time is the most crucial determiner of success. Therefore, we always deliver or before the committed time.
  • If you want to go mobile and smart with the connected things around you, and if you have an idea for a perfect implementation, connect with us. Our team will offer seamless solutions for all your needs.