Searching plays an important role in eCommerce store as people don’t have much time to look into each and every product category and sub category for getting their desired product. In order to provide a faster online shopping experience and to ensure the seamless accessibility of products, eCommerce enterprise search is the need of the hour. If you have been ignoring it for a while, it is time to pay adequate attention towards this element as can affect your conversion rates, product sales and customer engagement to a great extent. With the unmatched services and expertise, Velocity can ensure you high quality on- site search facility on your eCommerce store.


How can Velocity provide a mind blowing on- site search facility?

Due to years of development experience along with talented pool of workforce, Velocity can effortlessly provide you an amazing eCommerce enterprise search facility. Here is what you can expect from us.

  • Provides multi- faceted search facility for sorting, applying and removing filters on the search results.
  • Can ensure data rich search results along with descriptions, product attributes, add to basket and such other information.
  • Work towards customizing your “no results found” page with suggested products and promotional teasers for minimizing exit rates.
  • Provide in- built dictionary for seamless handling of misspellings, synonyms, alternative and other related terms.
  • Consists of mechanism that allow customers to make a purchase directly through search results.
  • Supports configurable redirects and exact matches for taking your customers directly towards the specific product page.

If you are thinking about establishing your feet firmly into the eCommerce segment, it is high time to improve the productivity and functionality of your search results. By focusing on them, you can effortlessly improve your conversion rates, product sales and customer engagement for achieving a quick business lead among your targeted customers.