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How To Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment For Your E- Commerce Store?

  • By Joe
  • September 11, 2015

Some problems are arising from a long time and often gets worse with each passing year. The situation ultimately reaches to a stage when appropriate action needs to be taken so as to avoid the long term damage to the reputation of your business organization. Shopping cart abandonment is one such problem that has been persistent for a long time but has always been left ignored by numerous e- commerce organization. But, now this problem has become so much menacing that it can not only reduce your conversion rates but can also affect the global persona and reputation of your e- commerce organization. However, this problem is although very much severe but it can still be brought under much control. Here are some of the tips that can help in reducing the extent of ecommerce shopping cart abadonment rate for your business organization.

Pay enough thrust behind the shopping decision of your customers-

In order to get customers back to your e- commerce store, it is important to stand behind the purchasing decision of your abandoned customers. You need to analyze the reason behind the abandonment of the shopping carts and should work towards rectifying the problems faced by your potential customers. Further, business organizations can retarget their abandoned customers through reminder emails and retargeting ads so as to persuade their customers to return back to their website.

Reward your returning customers with appropriate offers and schemes-

You need to show gratitude towards your returning customers by offering them special discounts, shopping offers, easy shopping cart management facilities and other such benefits. Make your customers feel special so as to compel them to shop through your e- commerce store.

Don’t rush into closing abandoned shopping cart window instantly-

There are chances that your abandoned customers may be too busy with his/her work and may not get time to return to your site for completing his previous shopping orders. In this case, it is best to have a 60 day shopping cart window for your customers so that your customers can return in between and can complete his/her pending shopping orders. In the mean time, business organizations can send frequent reminder emails and ad retargeting so as to help customers in their pending shopping carts.

Provide multiple payment options to your customers-

Online shoppers often leave a particular e- commerce site when they are unable to find their desired payment methods. You need to make a detailed study about all those payment methods that are mostly used by online shoppers and should work accordingly. Some of the popular payment methods that should find their place on your e- commerce store are PayPal, Google Wallet, Visa, Master Card, Amazon Payments, Stripe, Authorize.Net and numerous such others. Getting their desired payment option makes online shoppers more comfortable while making an online payment.

Reveal Shipping cost at the appropriate time of checkout process so as to avoid last minute shock to the shoppers-

Sometimes, customers receive the biggest shock during the online shopping when steep prices are added into their total checkout payment in the name of shipping cost. These high shipping costs are often one of the prime reasons for the increased instances of the shopping cart abandonment rate and further leads to the decreased conversion rates and product sales.

By adopting following measures, e- commerce organizations can easily reduce their cases of shopping cart abandonments and can compel customers to purchase from their online store. These tips can certainly give a new lease of life to your disgruntled customers and can make your e- commerce organization a top online shopping destination for your enthusiast shoppers.