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Why do you need a responsive website for your business?

  • By Joe
  • November 2, 2016
Why do you need complete responsive website for your business | Velsof
Create a responsive design for your website by employing a reputed web development company.

There is a continuous growth in the mobile devices each year and this adds the onus on website owners to make their website more accessible on these devices. If you are lacking in this crucial area, your business chances are certainly going to be affected. It is important to initiate efforts in making a site more accessible on various platforms for effective customer targeting and conversions.

As per the Google search trends, more and more people are using mobile devices to surf sites and it has surpassed the desktop users in terms of searching. At the core of this changing browsing trend, the prime reason is the presence of a responsive website design. In case, you are not lucky enough to have a responsive website, here are the few reasons that will explain you the requirement of a responsive website.

Ensures better targeting of users- 

Why do you need a responsive website for your business?- Ensures better targeting of users | Velsof
Effective customer targeting can be achieved smoothly with the help of a responsive website design.

We all know that the visitors who arrive on a site come from different devices and screen sizes like desktops, laptops, smartphones, and tablets. A standard desktop version may not work effectively on various devices, so a responsive site is all you need. Moreover, a non responsive site will not adapt to multiple devices in a better way which can affect the site accessibility.

Say, for example, you want a website that can cater to multiple device users and languages for grabbing higher site conversions. In this scenario, I would recommend you to go for a reputed Magento development company that can deliver you a powerful responsive site. No doubt, there are other web development platforms that can offer responsive site, but Magento clearly stands out among them. This is because Magento has a wide range of functionalities, dedicated customer support, business enhancement capabilities, and much more that can help in bringing more site traffic and sales for your business.

A responsive site helps in improving SEO- Having a responsive website is not only a treat for site visitors but also for the search engine bots. This fact has been well supported by the statement of Pierre Farr of Google in June, 2012 where he said that “Google prefers responsive website design over non responsive templates”. This statement itself puts emphasis on the necessity of responsive website in a business environment.

The responsive website is also easier for search engine crawlers to index as it reduces the chances of errors in On-Page SEO. Get involved with a web development services company that can offer you a SEO friendly responsive website for your business to improve search engine rankings.

Reduces web development related cost-

Why do you need a responsive website for your business?- Reduces web development related cost | Velsof
It is important to keep a check on your site development cost to maximize your revenue chances.

For a small and medium business, it is really a difficult task to manage different sites for multiple platforms. The entire process not only adds to the website development and maintenance cost but also consumes plenty of time. Let us take an example, imagine you are having a site that is handling multiple site users coming from different devices and screen types. It would be practically insane to create different websites for multiple platforms which would escalate the development cost as well as efforts. In situations like this, all you need is a well-known Magento development company that can offer you an engaging and responsive website for your targeted customers. This practice will not only save you few dollars but will also reduce the site development time.

Improves user experience and attention- A website can serve its purpose only if it can grab the instant attention of its targeted customers. A normal non-mobile optimized site won’t load properly on various mobile devices and would interfere with the user experience of customers. It requires a responsive site that can offer uninterrupted user experience irrespective of the user device and screen size. A responsive site can easily adapt according to the screen size of the device and would help in retaining the loading time within 2-3 seconds. In the screenshot given below, the site of Cover Male offers a responsive web design that makes it easier for customers to access it on multiple device platforms.

Why do you need a responsive website for your business?- Improves user experience and attention | Velsof
A website with improved user experience can effortlessly grab higher conversions and sales.

This responsive design of Cover Male allows a seamless navigation of users on any mobile device, thereby improving the customer attention and navigation. If the user is able to access website effortlessly on any platform, the product sales and conversions of your site will definitely surge higher.

Helps in fulfilling future business aspirations- With the growth and expansion of business with every passing year, the need of responsive website design has become mandatory. If you are having the responsive design of your website, it can certainly help you in a big way. With the support of a responsive design, site owners can expand their business in a major way by targeting people on multiple platforms. In this manner, site owners can improve their scalability for increasing their business reach among their customers. Having a responsive design is a great way to find more customers out of your normal expected footfall.

Responsive design is a great way to enhance conversions- When you are able to target customers on different platforms and device types, conversions will surely surge higher. The presence of a responsive web design will help companies to cater customers arriving from multiple platforms such as desktops, laptops, smartphones, and tablets. Thus, visitors will be able to surf website in a better way which will ultimately improve your conversion rates. Apart from this, businesses can display their site content in an efficient manner through a responsive design that can bring more conversions.

In the end…        

If you are thinking about taking your business to new horizons, it is finally time to start investing your time into a responsive web design. A responsive web design helps in catering the targeted customers in a better way. For ensuring better sales and conversions for your business, it is necessary to target multiple device users through a responsive design. Hire the expertise of a web development services like Velocity that can deliver you a power-packed responsive website at the most competitive price.