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5 Tips for utilizing Accelerated Mobile Pages for better online visibility

  • By Joe
  • December 27, 2016
5 tips for utilizing Accelerated Mobile Pages for better online visibility | Velsof
AMP helps in improving site loading performance on mobile devices.

Ignoring the presence and proper loading of the mobile pages can emerge as the biggest hurdle for the growth of any business. You can’t expect to be the king of your business segment if you can’t grab the attention of your mobile visitors. It is now clearly understood that the most of the SEO searches are done through various mobile based devices. Due to this increased use of mobile devices, it is important to make your site and its content accessible to various mobile users.

Responsive design is a good way to make your website accessible to various platforms in order to improve your business exposure and conversion rates. However, it can’t give you any assurance that your rich content like images and videos will perform smoothly on various mobile devices. Therefore, global companies who are using rich content are extensively embracing mobile web content framework known as Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). Let us know explore more about this latest mobile web development framework and how it can be utilized for your website performance.

1. It improves the performance of mobile SEO results- 

5 tips for utilizing Accelerated Mobile Pages for better online visibility- It improves the performance of mobile SEO results | Velsof
AMP pages are indexed quickly by search engine results for better online visibility.

With the introduction of latest search engine algorithms and the Google’s regular focus on the mobile friendly sites, it has become important to make your site accessible on various mobile based devices. In this hour of increasing emphasis on mobile web development technologies, AMP is the latest tool or framework that can make your mobile site more responsive.

This globally recognized mobile framework makes it easier for your mobile web pages and blog posts to load quickly on an array of mobile devices. With this effort, mobile users will get a better hands-on experience of your site and it will also improve the performance of your mobile SEO results. This new framework could also help in landing your mobile site on the top of mobile search engine result pages (SERPs) as Google carousel displays the AMP supported sites at the top of its search results list.

2. AMP framework can help in optimizing the user engagement- 

5 tips for utilizing Accelerated Mobile Pages for better online visibility- AMP framework can help in optimizing the user engagement | Velsof
AMP platform helps in optimizing the user experience for a website.

Most of the visitors who land up on your website often get disheartened due to the unappealing user experience provided by your website. This scenario not only increases the bounce rates on a site but also affect your chances of business growth. To eliminate these problems, it is important to adopt the AMP mobile web development framework that can make your rich content based mobile web pages to load faster. In this way, mobile site owners can offer a better user experience to its site visitors and can simultaneously reduce the bounce rates significantly.

3. The framework can help in adding monetary value to your site- One of the prime reasons for the slow performance of most of the sites is the presence of ad technology. The sites are mainly utilizing ads to grab the attention of maximum visitors and to generate more site revenue in return. However, the increasing number of ads do affect the site loading time to a great extent which in turn, decreases the customer engagement on your site. To make the problem more severe, site owners used to install the ad blocker softwares that can block the ads on their site and thus hurt your chances of revenue generation.

This problem was effectively resolved by the emergence of AMP, mobile web development platform which was designed with the aim of site monetization. To get a better idea about the monetization aspect of AMP, check out the statement of the AMP web development guys. It says,

“A goal of the Accelerated Mobile Pages Project is to ensure effective ad monetization on the mobile web while embracing a user-centric approach. With that context, the objective is to provide support for a comprehensive range of ad formats, ad networks and technologies in Accelerated Mobile Pages.”

Thus, the use of AMP framework can make the loading of ads quickly on a mobile site for better user experience. The faster site performance with ads will avoid the use of any ad blockers and will help in improving the site revenue chances. In a nutshell, this AMP framework is a great initiative for advertisers as well as publishers alike.

4. AMP provides analytics based information-

5 tips for utilizing Accelerated Mobile Pages for better online visibility- AMP provides analytics based information | Velsof
Get more detailed analytics information with the help of this AMP mobile web development framework.

In a competitive business environment, it is important to have analytics based information to make quick business decisions. This mobile web development framework provides detailed information about visitor counts, new prospects versus returning users, visitor clicks, conversion rates, video engagement, link tracking and more. In addition to this, the AMP offers built-in support for Google Analytics tool for effective user tracking. The framework provides tracking of three request values such as page views, events, and social interactions. AMP also provides facilities like sending custom dimension parameters to Google Analytics, tracking specific data points and other such functions.

5. AMP helps in improving the site performance- It is important to optimize the performance of your website on search engine results page for improved mobile SEO and online presence. The search engine optimization giant, Google has made a variety of changes for this mobile web development framework known as AMP for enhancing its search engine rankings. It provides the option to split test AMP pages, displays AMP errors to site owners in search results and the addition of AMP pages into the Google’s organic search results. This will, in turn, help in optimizing the performance of your mobile site to a great extent.

Final thoughts

With the popularity of mobile devices around the world, the use of AMP pages has become the inevitable scenario. It is the latest revolution in the field of mobile web development that has improved the loading of rich content based sites to a significant manner. So, embrace the AMP framework for the effective performance and online visibility of your mobile site.