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Velocity’s Monitoring system for Tracking 11 million Out Of School children

  • By Joe
  • October 28, 2020

1. The Problem

Tracking of 11 million Out of School Children in Bihar.

In Bihar, more than 11 million Children are Out of School, making it the second largest Contributor to the total number of Out of School Children (OOSC) in India. This number amounts to 5% of total OOSC, which is much higher than the National Average of 3%.

Moreover, 45% of Out Of School Children in Bihar are from Scheduled Caste communities and 70% of the total belongs to the Dalit and minority groups. A Tracking system was needed in order to track all the Out of school Children so that these children could be provided with special trainings.

2. The Solution

Monitoring and Tracking of Out of School Children.

28,000 Shiksha Sevis were mobilized across 38 Districts of Bihar to collect Data on approximately 17 million households. The Data collected was paper based and has to be digitized.

Velocity created a web based and mobile based application for the easy Data Entry of the Out of School Children so that government can map the Out of School Children through digitization of the collected Data and Development of profiles of the Household and Out of School Children. This helped the government to categorize children with different age group and provide them the special training and strategic learning and skill Development.

  • 17 mil. Household Information (Entered)
  • 28,000 Shiksha Sevis collected (The Data in Bihar)
  • 11 mil. Out of School Children(Data Entered)

Data Collection: Our system is used to enter the Data collected by Shiksha Sevis on Out of School children. The Data collected is monitored using the Dashboard for easy Analysis. Our system provides an approval process. The Data entered is approved by the supervisors to avoid any discrepancy in the Data.

Data Monitoring: Data collected is monitored via Web Interface. The Monitoring is done for Out of School children and also specifically for Out of School Girl Children. User can use various filters to obtain the desired result for their Analysis. Web Interface also allows you to monitor the Family Data.

Workflow: Check the workflow:



3. Dashboard

  • Interactive Dashboard: Get the Out of School Children report through dashboard and filter Data according to Geography.

Interactive Dashboard


  • Dive into details: Get various reports on the basis of other elements like social groups and religion, etc.

Dive into details


  • Add Easy Data: Enter more Data (Household and Children information) in the system.

Add Easy Data

  • Monitor Data: Monitor Data easily of Out of school children and get easy reports on Out of School girl children.

Monitor Data

4. Mobile Application

  • User Friendly: You can enter the Data via application very easily. Just by simple clicks.

User Friendly

  • Easy Data Entry: You can enter the Data in the system just by filling out a simple form with all the details

Easy Data Entry


  • Easy Visualization: All the Data entered can be visualized very easily all at one place.

Easy Visualization

  • Easy Data Monitoring: You can monitor your Application Data very easily by just filling your DISE Code.


Easy Data Monitoring