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Is it wise to Hire a Mobile Development Agency?

  • By Joe
  • December 14, 2017

The role of developing a mobile app for ecommerce picked up the pace when the industry saw the upsurge in the smartphones’ popularity. In today’s times, mobile development has become more of a necessity rather than an option. It all started with the overpowering of mobile devices on computers for the sole reason of accessing the internet. In today’s time, we need a mobile app for every possible need. From accessing the social media platforms to banking, shopping, booking tickets, ordering food, and so much more. Hence, this has been influencing almost every industry to have their own Mobile Application.

If you take a closer look at the statistics, you’ll be able to see that there are about 2.8 million apps o choose from on Google Play Store whereas; Apple’s App Store has 2.2 million of apps for their respective customers in the month of March 2017. With these figures, it is very evident that how essential it is for a business to have a mobile presence. With people turning to their smartphones for all the needs and spending about 900 billion hours on various apps, don’t you think it is a compulsion for you to hire a mobile development agency?

App Annie

Image courtesy: App Annie

Having talked about the requirement, let us take a look at the reasons for which you should invest in mobile development. No, we’re not asking you to learn from the scratch (if you have no experience in this) but we can always suggest you hire an agency that would bring positive results for your mobile app.

Building customer relationship

Building customer relationship

Customers want to get in touch with the business whenever they feel like. Whether it is during their free time or 3 in the morning. When they get a positive feedback from your business, it gradually turns into a strong relationship. Whether it is staying with them in the form of Chatbots or Customer Helpdesk, replying to their queries via emails as well as giving them a seamless one page checkout, a relationship between a customer and a business builds but it takes time. Mobile apps are the handy way to reach out to your customer at any point in time & place and in turn, it helps them build a positive customer-business relationship.

Improved conversion rate

Improved conversion rate

When you give the command of letting your mobile app bring positive results to the development agency, you’d see them working in getting those results. With the help of mobile SEO techniques, you can integrate your business with the social media platforms and post images, videos and update statuses which in turn help you increase your conversion rate. Working on conversion rate optimization techniques, you can work on organic searches so that people with disabilities would also be able to have access to your business. From the product reviews and recommendations from the trusted sources would be a plus for your business in the long run. That’s how an agency would be able to get you results.

Direct marketing

Direct marketing

Direct marketing is one of the many aspects of mobile apps where any business can directly come in contact with the target audience or customers. According to Google search, an average person checks his/her phone in every 5 minutes. The push notifications approved by the customers have more views compared to promotional emails. Advertising your business through mobile app communication increases your visibility and proves to be very effective for your business.

Keeps the brand recognition high

brand recognition high

Whether it is Android app development or iOS app development, the mobile app creates brand recognition. For example, Uber (taxi service) was not so known in the beginning, but when the mobile app started to work all over the world, the brand got the recognition that it needed. We all know that mobile websites have their own drawbacks but when it comes to mobile apps, customers find it quite easy to reach out to the same. It won’t be wrong to say that customers find a business/brand more reliable when the brand has its own Mobile App.

Make the retail apps more alluring

Make the retail apps more alluring

What do you think people do in online stores like eBay and Amazon? They spend their time window shop rather than going out for the same purpose. Customers love retail apps that because they are convenient and easy to use without getting tired while roaming out killing their time. And, you never know what they like in your store while just browsing the store and buy the same. Hence, conversion was done.

Increases the reach of your business

Increases the reach of your business

You might have plans for your business to expand here and there, but expanding it globally would definitely be later on your list. Once you are mobile and your app is perfectly tailored to match a wider audience, the chances of your expansion get doubled. For example, Uber, Amazon, eBay and other big businesses never started big but eventually, they did. Thanks to their mobile apps. A development agency would make sure that reach stretches out at the right time and the right way.

Mobile Apps are here to stay and have been proving beneficial for all kinds of businesses. You too should hire an agency that would guide your business on the right path. Mobile App Development is essential for the growth of your business and a strong industry presence.