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E-Commerce Mobile Apps- 3 Simple ways to make transition

  • By Joe
  • May 30, 2016
E-Commerce mobile apps- 3 simple ways to make transition | Velsof
Check out the mobile app development practices for ensuring a brilliant mobile app.

Mobile apps have grabbed the complete limelight in this competitive business scenario and are responsible for a huge volume of online business. With the worldwide increase in the shipment of smart phones amounting to a number of 341.5 million as per Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker report of International Data Corporation (IDC), there is a drastic change in the internet browsing behavior. More and more number of people are surfing internet through various mobile based devices and the online purchasing activity has seen significant transition.

Especially, in case of eCommerce sites, more and more people are making online product purchase through mobile devices like smart phones and tablets instead of traditional platforms like desktops and laptops. The bigger eCommerce players like Amazon, eBay, Flipkart and such others have created their mobile apps that are directed towards their mobile users. It would not be a surprising revelation at all if I mention that maximum sales and conversions on eCommerce sites are driven by mobile devices rather than the desktops or laptops. This is because mobile users are interested in making a quick product purchase instead of a rich user experience in terms of graphics and background elements. However, the presence of a mobile app can’t boost the conversion for your eCommerce site if it can’t provide an engaging user experience to your targeted mobile users. Below are some of the mobile app development tips by which you can make a successful mark through your mobile apps.

1. Develop a native App for your business-

The increasing use of smart phones and tablets have changed the web browsing to a great extent. All this has happened due to the development of new exciting mobile apps that are built for different mobile users and online businesses. While creating an engaging mobile app for any business, it is the foremost priority during mobile app development to build your mobile apps on the native operating system of your mobile apps. Apart from this, you need to create mobile apps considering the native language of your targeted mobile platform. For instance, if you want to build mobile app for Android platform, you need to be proficient in Java programming language. Similarly, in case of a iOS mobile app, you need to start developing the mobile apps in Objective-C programming language.

2. Utilize web development technologies like HTML5, CSS and JavaScript-

The present mobile app development strategies are basically centered around the web development platforms like HTML5, CSS and JavaScript that forms the backbone for numerous mobile apps around the world. Some of the reasons for the worldwide usage and popularity of these web development platforms are as follows:

– These development platforms are very common and familiar to everyone that reduces its development cost making it less expensive.

– Further, HTML5 based mobile applications can be seamlessly distributed on multiple mobile platforms and require minor changes for various native operating systems.

– Mobile applications built on HTML5 technologies don’t require code to be written for different mobile platforms again and again. This is due to the presence of PhoneGap and Apache Cordova that acts a bridge between various mobile devices and the application coding.

3. Start focusing on optimizing mobile web experience-

People browsing internet through mobile devices should not feel irritated due to the limited user experience provided by mobile devices. Various elements like images, content, CTA button and other components should load quickly without any delay. Make sure that your mobile apps can work independently from other available native apps of various mobile devices. Apart from this, mobile app development team should work towards making mobile apps less dependent on internet connection and should optimize their offline web experience. You need to work towards optimizing the online shopping experience of your targeted customers through various engaging mobile apps irrespective of the mobile devices, operating systems and screen size.

It is the need of the hour to pay adequate attention towards mobile app development practices so as to get various engaging mobile apps for your business. If you can keep your customers engaged to your mobile apps, you can certainly optimize your business fortunes among your rivals.