Providing your customers with a smoother transaction option is what you should necessarily focus in order to boost your conversions. You will not like the customer to abandon the cart after reaching the payment page. To make sure that this doesn’t happen, more often you should ensure that your website offers a seamless processing structure to the customers. To guide you in this direction we will here discuss some of the methods you can adopt so as to make the transaction process of your website more user-friendly and effective.
Tips for making transactions smoother

Now, we will look at those techniques that can be devised so as to enhance the quality of your payment highway.
1. Offer multiple payment options:
Offer your customer the freedom to make payment through the mode of their choice. Restricting the customers to a specific payment mode have certain repercussion. There are chances that the customers may not be compatible with the payment options that you are offering, thus, resulting in the abandonment of the cart.
2. Don’t ask for account creation:
Do not prolong the payment process by asking for a specific login account for payment. The compulsion of account creation has severe effects on your conversions. A study revealed that over 50% user preferred to abort visiting the websites that asked for creation of a specific login account. Channelize the power of social connect and allow your visitors a seamless flow through your website so as to have a tap on your conversions. Social login will act as an alternative here. If not, allow guest checkout so as to convert the first timers without burdening them.
3. Make your CTAs speak clear:
CTAs are conversion drivers. Make sure that your conversion drivers reflect out the purpose for which they are placed in that specific position. For example, your CTAs should be smooth allowing the customer to add the product to the cart and have the option to either proceed to payment checkout or continue with adding some more items for shopping. Allowing the customers to update the products in the cart at checkout page will make sure that they do not leave the checkout process for any reason. This will minimize the exit points and trigger a positive user experience to the shoppers.
4. Assure the customer about the security of your gateways:
More than 55% of the customer abandon cart due to lack of assurance regarding payment gateways. That’s a massive blow for your conversions. You should assure the customer’s about the security standards of your payment gateways by providing some factual data or analysis reflecting the strength of your claims. Show some logo of trust on your checkout page to build a confidence in the customers.
Final say
Payment checkout is the last step that completes your sales cycle. You would not like your conversions to bow down at this last juncture. To make the transaction highway of your website smooth and seamless, you should ponder on the above-mentioned points.