Sharing internal business information externally with customers adds tremendous value to your business as it enhances customer service due to an expanded business collaboration. SharePoint Extranets serve to be the perfect medium to form connections and share data with customers outside your business organization.

SharePoint Extranet portals designed by Velocity are customer friendly and presents smart business tools to quickly streamline line-of-business processes and workflows.

SharePoint Extranet Development at Velocity helps in increasing the efficiency of business communication. Extranet web portals designed at Velocity can help you with-

1. Workflow automation

2. Insights and Business Intelligence (BI)

3. Knowledge Base and Information Management

4. Information Sharing

5. Account Management

6. Portal Custom Development

7. Sharing news, documents and announcements exclusively with customers

For managing highly sensitive data, from a simple web portal to sophisticated system, our team makes sure to design a SharePoint portal that delivers success. By leveraging SharePoint’s easy to use web interface, a SharePoint Extranet is a proven way to offer a seamless experience to manage business activities and provide a useful interaction with your customers.

Contact us to know more about our SharePoint Extranet Development Services.