Now-a-day’s business organizations are utilizing large amount of structured and unstructured data stored in various form. This collective knowledge has become a huge asset for companies and therefore, it becomes necessary to find and use this information as and when required. An enterprise will only be able to gain from its information asset when employees get to search and use the same.

Velocity helps you to make this information available through a single web interface in a consistent and timely manner. Our services help organizations to succeed with more informed and quick decision making process. Be it a small or large organization, we at Velocity are always ready to provide solution to your business needs and information center.

Velocity provides services in setting up the SharePoint Enterprise Search. Few of the tasks performed by our team of experienced and skilled consultants are:

1. Identifying how much content is there to be searched: The volume of the content that you have in your search index affects the resources you need to host your farm and Velocity helps your determine the same. Planning for how much data will grow in 12 months and how much will there be after 36 months are relevant and important points to be taken care of whenever finalizing resources for your search system.

2. Planning content sources: Velocity works closely with your organization and determines the data which is relevant for searching. The sources of such data are to be determined. These sources can be – web pages, site document libraries, lists, records, external folders, Lotus Notes, Custom Repository etc.

3. Crawl Planning: Different contents get updated at different times. After understanding the content life cycle Velocity’s consultants propose and setup the crawl frequency of the contents. The data which is changing very often is crawled at smaller intervals and those which change less frequently are crawled after longer times. Full Crawl is needed or not is also suggested and executed by Velocity.

4. Administration of Search and Index: Velocity provides administration services to its clients for managing and controlling the content sources, indexes and crawl rates.

5. Defining Best Practices in Search: Velocity provides consultancy on the best practices to be followed in setting up Enterprise Search by educating the users about the important document documents which shall be residing on SharePoint, setting up Content Types and enforcing policies to make the users provide metadata for the documents, managing the document control and showing/not showing them in the search results depending upon their access control settings.

Our Approach-
Our expertise in Microsoft search products, enables our customers to create compelling enterprise search systems based on SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013.

For further information on SharePoint Enterprise Search, please contact us.


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