With the growth of the organization and exponential increase in the documents and knowledge base materials it becomes a tedious task for the employees to search and reach the relevant data they are looking for. Enterprise Content Management (ECM) System aims at solving this issue. ECM is a formalized means of organizing, storing, and retrieving the documents and other contents related to the processes in an organization.

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) in Microsoft SharePoint includes Management of Documents, Records and Digital Assets.

Documents Management:

Documents Management feature of Microsoft SharePoint provides the the users the control on the life cycle of a document in the organization – how the documents are created, reviewed, and published and how they are finally disposed or retained.

At Velocity we provide consultancy and support to setup and organize your documents. Velocity provides help in managing your documents by:

1. Providing help in identifying document management roles: We help you identify and train the team who will participate in document management processes.

2. Analyzing documents and their usage: Once the team for document management has been finalized we help you identify who works on which type of documents and how those documents are used.

3. Planning the document organization: Since documents can be put at various locations in SharePoint like – sites, site collections, libraries, folders, sub folders, record center etc. our consultants work closely with your team to finalize the location of different types of documents and the rules to be followed for them.

4. Planning the content movement during the life cycle of the document: A document created and reviewed and worked upon in a document library may later qualify to be ready for movement to the Record Center or any other location. This movement process and rules are set and suggested by Velocity’s consultants.

5. Planning the Content Types: Microsoft SharePoint gives the users an opportunity to create “Content Types” which have pre-defined information like – metadata, document templates, policies, and workflow processes. Content Type helps organize your documents and enforce consistency across your organization.

6. Planning of workflows: We help you finalize, create and setup workflows which will be applicable on a library, content type or a document. The Workflow gives you ability to control and track how the documents move from one team member to another as each of them participates in document collaboration.

7. Planning of Document Policies: Our high experienced team works closely with you to understand your organizational structure and policies and helps determining and setting up policies on documents in SharePoint system. Microsoft SharePoint includes policies that implement auditing, document retention, labeling, and bar coding.

Records Management:

Every organization has several documents, or other electronic or physical entity which is stored in the organization as an evidence of an activities or transactions performed by the organization and is needed to be retained for a defined period of time.

Velocity provides consultancy and implementation assistance by:

1. Understanding the organization working and identifying the documents which shall be considered as records.

2. Setting up a process of determining how active documents that will become records should be handled while they are being used and later how they shall be collected and declared as records.

3. Creating a file plan to manage records in Microsoft SharePoint

4. Creating a plan on how the records will be collected

5. Planning the management of physical records and their tagging and bar-coding, if needed.

6. Planning for eDiscovery. eDiscovery is locating and producing electronic information to support events like litigation, audits, investigations etc.

7. Setting up SharePoint based solution to help ensure that organization complies with its records management obligations in the cost-effective and non-intrusive way.

8. Providing SharePoint Administration Services to clean-up of the records which have expired by archiving them or disposing them from the system.

Digital Assets:

Microsoft SharePoint provides you an option to store and manage your digital assets like – audios, videos, pictures and other reusable contents.

Under ECM, Velocity provides Digital Assets Library Planning and Management Services by:

1. Determining and setting up Metadata for each kind of asset

2. Determining and setting up roles and responsibilities for managing digital assets

3. Analysis of resource requirement for storing the assets and their backups

4. Determining where to store assets at each stage of their life cycle

5. Moving assets within the organization as team members contribute to creation, review, approval, publication, and disposition of assets

6. Setting up and application of organization policies for the assets

7. Finalizing the rules to determine when an asset will be treated as an Organizational Record.

8. Planning content governance for digital assets

9. Planning and setting up workflows for managing the assets

These services help our clients to meet business process integration and compliance requirements. We aim to provide unparalleled profit gains to organizations by helping them capture, store, manage and protect their information in the best possible way.

Some other areas in ECM development where we step ahead are Workflow integration, asset preservation, organization of storage structure and so on.

SharePoint 2010 and 2013 is featured with a broader set of Web Content Management (WCM) functionality, allowing corporations to leverage SharePoint for customer facing web content. Our WCM services allow you to improve the site authoring and publishing process in your company.

Our practices cover the entire life cycle of SharePoint deployment from planning, maintenance to support and so on.

Why Velocity?

Experienced and certified professionals in SharePoint

Proven and cost-effective services to meet the needs of our clients

Years of experience

Fast delivery

For increased productivity and efficiency

Improved collaboration

Better project management and coordination

Contact us to know how can we make information as the only source to be an advantage for your organization.