Our team has an in-depth knowledge on XPages, composite applications to help deliver solutions for our clients for rapid deployment. Our experts are trained with the latest techniques offered by IBM Notes platform that helps to deliver quality rich applications to customers. We have skills to develop and roll out a complete application in a fraction of time.

With an experience of more than two decades, we excel in providing IBM Notes and Domino Development services in the areas listed below-

Lotus Domino with XPages – At Velocity, we can help you make the most of Domino by allowing your existing web applications run smoothly with web browser as well as Lotus Notes client too. Our professionals are trained at designing web services in Domino.

Designing XPages applications- XPages integration with other IBM tools to extend its reach beyond social platforms like IBM Connections and IBM Smartcloud.

IBM Connections – We help organizations to setup and modify the IBM Connections to integrated with secure social platform. This helps organizations and people engage with others to anticipate and respond to new opportunities for delivering measurable results.

Domino based Intranet and Extranet – Velocity is experienced in developing internet based community portals on both Lotus Notes and other web portals.